Putting myself into the next big adventure – X-Pyr, I am ready!
Sebastian Weber

Sebastian Weber
OccupationAirline Pilot
ResidenceRegensdorf (Switzerland)
WingADVANCE Omega XAlps 4 22
HarnessADVANCE Lightness XAlps
HelmetBlack Creviche Arlberg

Stefan Zaugg
ResidenceEinigen (Switzerland)
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Why did you choose the X-Pyr?
The only race to be able to get from one ocean to the sea. I want to experience myself, that the Atlantic ocean really is colder than the Mediterranean Sea.The X-Pyr is the biggest hike and fly event in 2024. I want to be part of it.
What is your greatest sporting success?
Vercofly 2023, 2nd place/ Eigertour 2020, 2nd place
When and why did you start paragliding?
I started paragliding in 2011. It fascinated me since I was a child. I already experimented to build a paraglider out of a retired shower curtain without much success. In 2011 I got one month of unpaid holiday and started paragliding school in winter time.
What is your mountaineering experience?
Both the mountains and I get along ok with each other so far. I grew up in Davos, a city surrounded by mountains in Switzerland. So I spent a lot of time in the mountains, even tough I am not a mountain guide and donˋt do big mountaineering projects.
What are your best and worst sporting memories?
Best – being able to run a marathon under 3 hours in 2023. Worst – not being able to do any sports because of a long term injury.
Have you flown in the Pyrenees before? Do you have a favourite area?
Is there anything you like to see (or not) in the route?
I hope to see the a lot of helpful vultures along the way in the air.
Apart from flying far and walking little, what will your strategy be during the race?
My strategy is to minimise silly errors. Stay with the group and get into the race. Once I am used to conditions and surroundings, I hope to get better in decision making along the course.
What does your typical training week consist of?
Five days training a week. Mostly running. Some gym sessions for strength and HIIT. Whenever possible, use the good flying days to practise with the paraglider. In spring, more flying training and XC sessions.
What has been the hardest part of your race preparation so far?
The fact that my back is giving me a hard time and I need to get healthy before I can push my training again.
What excites you most about participating in the X-Pyr?
It is my first adventure race longer than 4 days. Especially, I am looking forward to participate with a great team of which I am sure, that we will have a splendid time no matter how hard the days are going to be.
What worries you the most about the event?
For all the hike and fly races, there is this mixture between anticipation, excitement, humility and respect of what is going to happen. I have respect for weather phenomenon like strong wind and storm cells that are difficult to forecast.
How do you know your assistant?
I am lucky to have three great supporters. Stefan Zaugg, Olivier Beer and Alexandra Kraus. I know Stefan and Olivier from the X-Alps Academy. Together we mastered a lot of hike and fly projects, as well as participating together in quite a few hike and fly races. I got to know Alex recently, she will do a superb social media job.
What are your assistant’s main strengths?
Stefan and Olivier both are experienced hike and fly athletes themselves and know whatˋs needed. Stefan is a master of positive thinking. Olivier is a professional physiotherapist. I am in very good hands.
What advice would you ask of the race veterans?
What is the key to fly efficiently and fast in the Pyrenees? 😉
Anything else you like to comment?
I am looking forward to a magnificent race with lots of unforeseen but beautiful moments. Hike and fly community, whenever you are in eastern Switzerland let me know and I will show you some of our beautiful hike and fly areas in return.