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Late spring in Pyrenees – first route impressions

Published on
11 June 2022

The first trip to Pyrenees we did in April, during Easters. The plan was to see and explore as much terrain as possible within 4 days. The conditions weren’t ideal with strong winds in the region, but it would be naive to expect anything better for the competition. It was a very productive trip, and we came back with several conclusions:

  • Pyrenees do feel more remote than the Alps, GSM coverage is more often an issue, barely any hikers
  • many paths exist only on the map, or don’t really match
  • roads are actually really good here
  • in the south can be HOT and I can hardly imagine what is it in July, also water is scarce
  • the airspaces are going to cause some major pain
  • the way wind works in some of the places is just mind blowing
  • where are all the paragliders, HELLO?! I was flying alone the whole time.

Now we’re in Pyrenees again, but this time exploring the beginning of the route and it is quite different here… More soon!

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