Day 4 started out looking promising with a blue sky. James woke up just south of the France border and was looking to tag turnpoint 4, Arbas, by at least the end of the day. When he got in the air he quickly realized that the air was rather stable and decided to hike and sledder from ridge to ridge until finally, late afternoon, he was able to get a short thermic flight and land at the base of the backside of the ridge just south of Arbas. Unfortunately it was a little late in the day when he tagged the waypoint, and had to finish the day in the middle of a forest. Team Canada is really pleased with James’ performance and how he’s placing on the scoreboard. If he does his best to continue to be consistent as well as take care care of his health, then he should place well by the end of the race.
The weather for day 5 doesn’t look so promising and James is not looking forward to hiking down the road all day, so hopefully the weather won’t be absolutely terrible.