Finally! Today we registered for Xpyr Hike and Fly Competition in Hondarribia, but to get there was a long and even more exhausting road than expected:
However, I had to non-stop work (no joke!) from March until the 18th of June. I did the preparations for the comp late at night and trained in every second that could have been used between all those SIVs at Lake Garda. On 18th of June after the last training-day, I quickly packed my stuff and drove to Austria during night. So that I could pick up the supporters car, store everything in it, drive another 400km to one of my supporters Kogi for doing the last car preparations, went shortly for a powernap, and drove even further (another 600km) to my other supporter Tobi to pick him up. Then Tobi and I drove appr. 1000km south and finally stopped at Dune de Pyla. However, after preparing everything during day and mostly driving during night, we really needed some rest time. So we decided to have a lazy day off at Dune de Pyla and enjoyed it to the fullest.
On the next day, we drove the last km to Hondarribia to finally check in on the campsite to meet the other pilots and do some route checks. After that we registered and did the equipment check today! In the meanwhile, Kogi, the other supporter whom we left at home, is coming by plane tomorrow and will make our team complete and ready for the comp!
We are so excited!!
Originally we should have taken part at the xpyr 2020, but as we all know, that comp wasn’t able to take place anymore due to the pandemic. So now it is the time to finally compete against all those highly well skilled hike and fly pilots. And the weather forecast will challenge the comp a lot additionally! So let’s hope that the weather will be better than expected and that we can fly most of the distances 😉 But even if we have to run big distances and altitudes in the first few days, we are optimistic that the comp will be outstanding and we are really thrilled to finally start!
Thanks again to our sponsors Nova Performance Paragliders, Salewa Mountain Shop Schladming, Red Bull Spect Eyewear and DANKE AG for supporting us with their sponsorships!